I made this very awesome card for my husband for his birthday. The front of the card looks like this: For those of you who are not pokemon-literate, this is an Onix. So the front says "Have an Onix-pected birthday". The font is pocket monk (if you need to change the words). The key to the pokemon alphabet is that the vowels are small letters and are on tope of the letters around them. So the colours of the letters are: yellow (255,203,0), dark blue (0,58,146), and light blue (129,200,254). Outline each of the yellow letters individually in the dark blue and then make the dark blue outline around the vowels go above the yellow of the letters around it. Here is the SVG of the front: SVG of the front of the card This is the inside of the card. It is a stacked block pop up card. So print out the card to show the pokemon go background and then cut it out. Here is the SVG: SVG of the inside of the card This is the cool part. Each of these blocks in the p...